Hi! I’m Keith Lackner, world renowned and leading artist in Resin Infusions. I’ve been a hobbyist woodworker since 1994 and started wood turning in 2012. In 2013 I had a vision to make something that would shock the turning community and send my craft as a wood turner in a different direction. That vision was to create a large vessel using exotic and highly figured burls, which I love working with, and infuse them with casting resins. I unlocked a process to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art that I call Resin Infusions. This process propelled my craft and since, I’ve been featured in multiple publications all over the world and you can find my pieces for sale in art galleries across the United States.

I am now sharing my knowledge and techniques in magazine articles, turning clubs and hands on classes to teach others this art form.

In addition to creating large one-of-a-kind pieces I also enjoy making functional and attractive, everyday pieces like bowls, platters and peppermills using highly figured woods that set my work apart from the rest.

I have a great passion for woodturning and take great pride in my craft; I hope you enjoy my work. Please contact me for information about classes, sales, wholesale pricing or custom orders. Check back frequently for new inventory, follow me on Instagram and like and subscribe to my videos on YouTube.

Demonstration Topics

Title #1: Resin Casting
In this class you will learn the 3 Golden rules of casting resin with wood. These 3 Golden Rules are the fundamental steps I have developed over the years to create my one of a kind Pieces. We will do a live cast during this demo.

Title #2: Turning Resin
In this class you will learn the fine points of turning Resin. You will learn basic skills well as advanced skills. Starting with proper speeds, tools selection all the way to finish sanding and applying a finish to achieve a one of a kind work of art.